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New Hampshire Health Insurance

Searching for good New Hampshire health insurance plans can be such a hassle; but we can make it easier for you. By entering your zip code, we’ll show you New Hampshire health insurance quotes among reputable health insurance providers in the state. Browse through the New Hampshire health insurance plans and see which one fits your health care needs.

Facts and Figures

  • Place in State
    Health Report Card
  • Insured 5,081,912
  • Uninsured 826,600
  • Insurance
  • Number of
    Primary Care Physicians
  • Number of
  • Average Cost of
    Health Insurance*

Breakdown of Insureds

  • Employer-sponsored health insurance 70%
  • Private plans 4%
  • Medicaid 9%
  • Medicare 16%
  • Others 1%

State Health Report Card

There are 174,000 adults in New Hampshire who smoke. In ten years this number has decreased from 25.3 percent to 16.9 percent of the adult population.The number of children under age 18 living in poverty has decreased in 10 years. From 10.5 percent to 6.2 percent.There are currently 81,000 New Hampshire adults with diabetes. This number is an increase from 7.1 percent to 7.9 percent.In the past ten years,obesity has increased from 18.1 percent to 25.5 percent.Their infant mortality rate has steadily decreased since 1990. From 8.4 to 4.7 deaths per 1,000 live birth.

New Hampshire Health Insurance Laws and Regulations

According to state law, every New Hampshire health insurance plan is guaranteed renewable. This means that insurers cannot deny your application for renewal unless the policyholder was not able to adhere to the policy’s terms. Insurers in New Hampshire implement an exclusion for those with pre-existing condition. This means that if you have been diagnosed with an illness, it will not be covered. The pre-existing condition exclusion period ranges from six months to two years. If you switch to another insurer even after the exclusion period, the new insurer may apply their own exclusion period. There is no New Hampshire law that restrict insurers from rejecting applications based on certain factors. Setting premium rates also depend on the discretion of the insurers. Small businesses (with 2-50 employees) can join any group health insurance plan being offered to other small businesses. Rates for these plans are not closely regulated by New Hampshire laws. As with individual plans, insurers have the liberty to set their rates based on some factors such as age, health condition and gender. Group plans may be terminated if conditions were violated. Self employed individuals may purchase any small group health plan being offered in the state.  

Heath Care Reform

Young adults in New Hampshire can now stay under their parent’s policy. The new health law mandates New Hampshire health insurance companies to allow parents to keep their children in their policy until age 8,330  young adults in New Hampshire have benefited from this plan (as of June 2011).

Because of the new law, Medicare members no longer need to worry about their extra prescription cost. Once they reach the donut hole in 2010, they are sent a check for a $250 rebate. 14,156 seniors in New Hampshire have received the rebate to offset the cost of their prescription drugs. A 50 percent discount was also given for brand name drugs once they’ve hit the donut hole. This resulted to an average savings of $8,187,145 for New Hampshire Medicare members. The Affordable Care Act aims to close the donut hole by 2020.

One of the provisions of the health care reform is to provide preventive care services free of charge for Medicare members and free from cost-sharing for those enrolled under private plans. In 2011, 163,746  Medicare members and 279,000 private plan members in New Hampshire have received free preventive care services like colonoscopies
and mammograms.

The new health law protects consumers’ money through the medical loss ratio which mandates New Hamphire health insurance providers to spend 80 percent of their premium
dollars on medical care and only 20 percent on administrative costs. 405,000 New Hampshire residents are now able to maximize their New Hamphire health insurance quotes.

The new health law requires New Hampshire health insurance companies who want to raise their rates by at least 10 percent to make public the details as to why there is a need for rate increase. A $1 million fund was given to New Hampshire to defend and implement this provision.

Insurers are no longer allowed to impose a lifetime limit on their members’ benefits. 545,000 New Hampshire residents are now free from having lifetime limits on their coverage.
Patients with chronic diseases don’t have to worry about maximizing their limit because of their accumulating medical costs.

Through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, New Hampshire residents who have pre-existing condition can now have affordable coverage. As of 2011, 306 residents now have a New Hampshire health insurance. Without this provision, they would still remain uninsured.

New Hampshire has received a $4.5 million  grant to develop more health programs and policies. They have also received $5 million to create more health centers and to improve existing centers and the quality of health care delivered. A Health insurance marketplace is being established so more residents can easily have access to more New Hampshie health insurance quotes.

Insurance companies will not be able to exclude children from coverage because of a pre-existing condition, giving parents across New Hampshire peace of mind. 

Insurance plans’ use of annual limits will be tightly regulated to ensure access to needed care. This will protect the 846,000 residents of New Hampshire with health insurance from their employer, along with anyone who signs up with a new insurance plan in New Hampshire. 

Patients’ choice of doctors will be protected by allowing plan members in new plans to pick any participating primary care provider, prohibiting insurers from requiring prior authorization before a woman sees an ob-gyn, and ensuring access to emergency care. 

Extending coverage to young adults. Beginning on or after September 23, 2010, plans and issuers that offer coverage to children on their parents’ policy must allow children to remain on their parents’ policy until they turn 26, unless the adult child has another offer of job-based coverage in some cases. This provision will bring relief to roughly 3,480 individuals in New Hampshire who could now have quality affordable coverage through their parents.4 Some employers and the vast majority of insurers have agreed to cover adult children immediately. 

Strengthening community health centers. Beginning October 1, 2010, increased funding for Community Health Centers will help nearly double the number of patients seen by the centers over the next five years. The funding could not only help the 57 Community Health Centers in New Hampshire but also support the construction of new centers. 

More doctors where people need them. Beginning October 1, 2010, the Act will provide funding for the National Health Service Corps ($1.5 billion over five years) for scholarships and loan repayments for doctors, nurses and other health care providers who work in areas with a shortage of health professionals. This will help the 5% of New Hampshire’s population who live in an underserved area. 

New Medicaid options for states. For the first time, New Hampshire has the option of Federal Medicaid funding for coverage for all low-income populations, irrespective of age, disability, or family status.  














State Government Insurance Programs Offered

New Hampshire Health Plan(NHHP)

New Hampshire Health Plan(NHHP) 877-888-6447 NHHP-FED Federal program run by Benefit Management Inc. 877-505-0508 Catastrophic Illness Program (CIP) 603-271-4495 800-852-3345 ext. 4495

Coverage: NHHP: Seven plans each with a different deductible. Offers hospitalization, physician care, diagnostic tests, x-rays, prescription drugs, and some mental health care services. NHHP-FED: Covers broad range of benefits, including primary and specialty care, hospital care, and prescription drugs. CIP: Provides financial assistance to people with cancer, hemophilia, end stage renal disease, cystic fibrosis, spinal cord injuries, and other serious illnesses or injuries. Assistance is limited to $2,500 per individual per year. Eligibility: NHHP: Must be a New Hampshire resident and have a pre-qualifying medical condition. Must have been denied coverage due to a health condition, or offered coverage similar to NHHP’s but with higher premiums. Had your previous coverage terminated for reasons other than non- payment of premium or fraud. Also qualified: Federally eligible or certified as eligible for TAA or PBGC assistance. Must not be eligible for COBRA or government programs. NHHP-FED: Must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S. and have been uninsured for at least 6 months prior to applying. Must have had a problem getting insurance due to a pre- existing condition. CIP: Must be a New Hampshire resident, U.S. citizen, or parent/guardian with primary responsibility for applicant child who is a U.S. citizen. Must be age 21 or over. Must have a qualifying health condition.

Medicaid (Search: Medicaid)

603-271-4344 800-842-3345 ext. 4344

Covered services can include Hospital, Physician, Nursing, Home health, Lab and x-ray, Family planning, Rural health clinics, Prescription drugs, Therapies (speech, physical, occupational), Adult medical day care, Medical transportation, Durable medical equipment, Dental, Chiropractor, Psychotherapy, Podiatry, Interpreter, Midwife, EPSDT (early, periodic, screening and diagnostic testing), Newborn home visits, Maternity, Vision and hearing. Eligibility: Must be a New Hampshire resident and a U.S. citizen or an eligible qualified alien. Income limits: Infants ages 0–1: 185% FPL. Children ages 1–19: 185% FPL. Pregnant women: 185% FPL. Parents/caretakers living with children ages 0–18: 49% FPL. Aged, blind, and disabled: 79% FPL with asset limit of $1,500 for singles; 87% FPL with asset limit of $2,250 for couples. Medically-needy: Singles with monthly income of $591 and asset limit of $2,500; couples with monthly income of $675 and asset limit of $4,000.

Healthy Kids or Offers 3 programs: Gold, Silver, and Buy-In

877-464-2447 603-228-2925

Coverage: Healthy Kids: Physician services, Office and specialist visits, Checkups and physical exams, Immunizations, Prescription drugs, Emergency room, Inpatient hospital services, Outpatient services, Lab and x-ray, Home health services, Physical, speech and occupational therapy, Outpatient and inpatient mental health care, Hearing aids, Early intervention services, Regular dental check-ups and cleanings, Fluoride treatments, and more. Eligibility: Healthy Kids: For all programs : Must be New Hampshire resident and a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident or qualified alien. Gold program: Must be pregnant women living up to 185% FPL, or children ages 0–1 living up to 300% FPL. Silver program: Must be children ages 1-19 living 185%–300% FPL. Must be uninsured for 6 consecutive months prior to enrolling. Buy-In program: Children ages 1–19 living between 300%–400% FPL. Must be uninsured for 3 consecutive months prior to enrolling. Rule may be waived for certain reasons (e.g. child loses coverage due to parent being laid off).

Let No Woman Be Overlooked Program (Search: BCCP)

800-852-3345 x4931 603-271-4931

Coverage: Women’s health exams, Mammograms, Pap tests, and Pelvic exams. Eligibility: Must be New Hampshire women ages 18–64, with incomes at or less than 250% FPL, and must have no insurance or have insurance that does not pay for breast or cervical cancer screening tests. Women ages 40 and older get mammograms every 1–2 years and annual breast check. Women ages 18–39 get annual breast check and medical assessment to determine mammogram. Women ages 18 and older get Pap tests every 1–2 years.



Medicare offers Part A, inpatient care in hospitals and rehabilitative centers; Part B, doctor and some preventive services and outpatient care; Part C allows Medicare benefits through private insurance (Medicare Advantage); Part C includes Parts A, B, and C not covered by Medicare. Part D covers prescription drugs. NH Senior Prescription Discount Program offers discounts on drugs at participating pharmacies. Eligibility: Medicare: Must be U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, and: 1) If 65 years or older, you or your spouse worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, or 2) You have a disability or end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant) at any age. NH Senior Prescription Discount Program: Must be New Hampshire residents ages 65 or older. No income test

VA Medical Benefits Package


Comprehensive preventive and primary care, outpatient and inpatient services. Eligibility: ”Veteran status” = active duty in the U.S. military, naval, or air service and a discharge or release from active military service under other than dishonorable conditions. Certain veterans must have completed 24 continuous months of service.

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